Sädet pole :(

Discussion in 'Help!' started by UtzZo, Juuli 30, 2011.

  1. UtzZo

    UtzZo Member

    Masinaks on siis hiinakas.Säde on ära kadunud, äkki keegi oskab aidata? :| :| :|

    Milles viga võib olla?
  2. teet3

    teet3 New Member


    mul sama jama, ei ole veel parandama hakanud. Leidsin siit infot(inglis k.):


    korraliku juhendi(vajab registreerimist)

    tegin sulle copy/paste

    anna teada kui korda saad

    Section 9
    Checking For Spark

    There are a couple of methods for verifying that your engine has spark. You can use a spark tester that plugs inline or plugs into the spark plug boot or you can do it with no specialty tools just as easily.

    Remove the spark plug. It's a good idea to inspect the plug now. Look for excess fuel on the plug, a bone dry plug, damage to the plug, or an oily or fouled plug. Check and set the gap if necessary. Most scoots use somewhere between 0.025"-0.030", but check your owner's manual or service manual to be sure. Now attach the spark plug boot to the plug. Hold the metal portion of the spark plug against the scooter's frame or the engine casing. Make sure you aren't touching the spark plug (you may get a shock), and crank the engine over. You should be able to see a spark. If it is very bright where you are, it may be helpful to move to a darker area for this test.

    If you saw a spark, proceed to check for compression (Section 14).

    If you did not see a spark, replace the spark plug and try again. If there is still no spark, proceed to checking the coil (Section 10).

    Section 10
    Checking The Ignition Coil


    Inspect the spark plug boot to ensure that it fits snug on the spark plug.

    Make sure the spark plug wire is securely attached to both the boot and the ignition coil. Most spark plug wires simply screw into the boot and coil.

    Check the ignition coil's connectors to assure that they are clean and secure. There are usually 2 wires, a trigger wire and a ground wire. Some coils may only have a signal wire and use their mounting location (usually on the frame) as a ground. Make sure the coil is securely attached to it's mounting point.

    Disconnect the ignition coil and check it's primary and secondary resistances and replace it if out of specifications. Refer to a service manual for proper specifications for your scooter.

    If you still don't have spark, move on to checking the stator (Section 11).

    If you have spark and it still won't start proceed to checking compression (Section 14).

    Section 11
    Checking The Stator/Magneto


    Check all connections from the stator and make sure they are secure.

    Assure that the pickup is located close enough to the flywheel to be triggered. You can use feeler gauges to measure the distance between the pickup and the reluctor (raised bit) on the flywheel. It's best to check a service manual for your particular scooter, but if you can't find specifications somewhere around 0.010" should be acceptable. If it is too far away, try loosening the mounting tabs for the pickup and re-positioning it.


    Check for a trigger signal from the stator. There should be a wire coming from the pickup. You can use a test light to be sure there is a signal when the engine is cranked over with the ignition switch on. If there is no signal, replace the stator.

    Refer to a service manual for your scooter and test for proper stator specifications. If out of specifications, replace the stator.

    If there is still no spark, proceed to checking the ignition and kill switches (Section 12).

    If you have spark and it still won't start proceed to checking compression (Section 14).

    Read more: http://49ccscoot.proboards.com/index.cg ... z1TfzWCxH8
  3. UtzZo

    UtzZo Member

    Siiani ei ole tööle saanud, kas mähist saab kuidagi kontrollida?
    Tahaks masinat tööle saada. :roll:
  4. teet3

    teet3 New Member


    mina sain endal korda, üks massijuhe oli puruks, süütepooli juures. Isolatsioon terve aga juhe seest katki.

    Kui sädet ei ole, tasub kõik rohelised juhtmed üle kontrollida, vaadata pistkuid ja kontrollida multimeetriga.
  5. Z0ne

    Z0ne Ürituste korraldaja Meeskonnaliige Super Moderaator Ürituste korraldaja

    Küljejala lüliti korras? Paljudel hiinakatel on küljejala külge pandud sureti, et küljejala peal ei saaks masinat käima panna.
  6. Neos16

    Neos16 New Member

    Kontrolli kõik pistikud üle ja vaata kas pistik istub korralikult sisse.. Mul oli nii et mähisest tulevad juhtmed panin juhtmestikuga kokku aga käima ei läinud siis vaatasin need mähise pistikud üle ja viga oligi teada üks juhe ei olnud korralikult oma pesas...

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