Re: UUS TUUNIGUTURUL! Väga palju uusi juppe esitati EICMA 2009 näitusel. ... ctures/en/ Üks nendest uus T.C.R.i komplekt Selle seti saab vaid 19,542 krooniga
Re: UUS TUUNIGUTURUL! Polini on teinud Piaggio mootorile uue silindri mille kolvi läbimõõt on 52,0mm. Ja mitte ainult silindri,vaid ka väntvõlli mille käik on 44mm.
Re: UUS TUUNIGUTURUL! attackis nüüd uued S6 R/T 70ccm silindrid müügil ja ei olegi nii kirves nagu ennustada võis. päris mõnusat võimsust pidi ka suutma arendada 70se kohta
Re: UUS TUUNIGUTURUL! Kus sa seda nägid??? Ja mis masinale need on, ma neid aeroxite alt ei leidnud igatahes.
Re: UUS TUUNIGUTURUL! vaatan ka ,et v2ljas , hind 330 euri , aga mingit muud infi kyll pole EDIT: jap , päris karm silku The cylinder that has been breaking records! It set new best times in the Italian Open Cup and also broke the magical 6-second barrier in scooter dragracing. Regarding transfer port layout, Stage6 has maintained GP standards, refraining from cross-section reducing 7- or 8-port designs. After all, “more” isn’t necessarily “better”. The 47.6 mm bore conforms to the rules of most 70 cc racing classes. The patented modular construction allows for very quick mounting of the cylinder to different engines via adaptors. Sealing between adaptor plate and cylinder is realized via a Viton® O-ring; this makes the tedious cleaning of sealing surfaces and replacing of gaskets unnecessary. Once the adaptor plate has been mounted and adapted via base seals, it won’t have to be readjusted. The CNC-milled adaptor plate bolts to the engine case and accepts the cylinder via the external studs. The construction of the R/T 70cc cylinder goes without continuous studs, so the design of exhaust and transfer ports isn’t subject to the restrictions of conventional racing cylinders and further tuning and porting reserves are available. Particular attention has been paid to the cylinder’s thermal properties. The CNC-milled inner cylinder head is bolted at five points, each of them thermally stabilized by its own cooling pocket. Thus the critical areas at the studs that tend to lead to piston seizures have been eliminated. The flange firmly connects the cylinder to the exhaust via three bolts, minimizing the leakage of fuel residues. Fitting flanges are available for all common racing exhausts and do-it-yourself kits are also available. The kit includes a fitting exhaust flange for the Stage6 R/T exhaust and installation instructions.
Re: UUS TUUNIGUTURUL! Samuti on väljas 2 uut sumbutit stage6 poolt. üks siis Stock sumbuti välimusega , mis on tegelt mõeldud madalama klassi 70ste jaoks ja siis veel Stage6 R/T sumbuti , mis tuli koos R/T Silindriga välja , peaks siis R/T silkule parim olema , ja üldse highend sumpa , hinnaks 310 euri
Re: UUS TUUNIGUTURUL! Tecnigas on turule toonud uued tooted: Tecnigas Trek on 50cc mootoritele mõeldud summuti mis peaks olema oluliselt jõulisem ja parem kui Next-R Tecnigas RS-2 On mõeldud kasutamiseks nii 50cc kui ka 70cc sport silindritega Tecnigas uus racing tootesari kannab nime Reverse. Kuna pilte ei õnnestunud copida, siis panen lingi .
Re: UUS TUUNIGUTURUL! Stage 6 over-size ... original=1 Stage 6 ventiilikorgid ... 2328_n.jpg
Re: UUS TUUNIGUTURUL! CYLINDER TOP PERFORMANCES TPR 70CC . Uus üherõngaline alumiinium silku top perfi poolt siis.On saada variante 10 ja 12 sõrmega
Re: UUS TUUNIGUTURUL! Tundub küll üsna samasugune nagu TP DuePlus, lihtsalt see vahva roosakaspunane värvikiht on pealt kadunud. Pordid ka üsna samasugused.
Re: UUS TUUNIGUTURUL! EI kas varem on olnud aga ise pole m2rganud AC/LC mootoriblokk minarelli horisontaal k6igest 99 euri ... -Inch.html
Re: UUS TUUNIGUTURUL! nüüd mingi ulme variaatorid saadaval , J.Costa ... r_embedded ... Costa.html
Re: UUS TUUNIGUTURUL! Gianelli "Rekord" sumps. ... ekord.html Sobivus tabel =) : ... %20ENG.pdf Vajalikud andmed puuduvad kahjuks.